New Communication Tool!

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New Communication Tool!

A fresh face to the world, and a new business tool.

Our brand is now a complete reflection of who we are. While going through the Company Blueprint process we learned many things about who we are and what we stand for. The six-month process solidified our core values and what we’re going to protect and grow moving forward.

Now it is time to share that with the world, it’s time for a new website which is set up to help existing and potential customers understand us better, help communicate who we are, and also to attract great talent.

As were a growing company the decision was made to build out a proper Careers section to help articulate exactly who we need and also help express what we believe in. The culture section our biggest opportunity to tell you who we are. The fact of any business is simple and almost a cliche – your most valuable assets are your people. We offer services similar or the same to many other companies and the pricing in our industry fits within a certain range. The reason for our growth, the reason we will be here many years from now is anchored in how we coexist together, help each other, and bring value to the world. This is the human side of Somatic.

Our team reading through theĀ Company Blueprint at the presentation on July 21st 2018.